I am delighted to report that the membership of our NAR has now reached the goal that we set in 2008, an active membership of 5200. This is the largest that the NAR has been in the last 12 years; our records from the "boom" days that we went through a few times before then are not complete so we are not sure it is the largest that we have ever been but if it isn't, it's close. Congratulations and thanks to all the thousands of NAR members, the supporting manufacturers, hobby shops, and others who have contributed in some way to the steady growth that has brought us to this point. Word of mouth from satisfied members is our best recruiting tool, and member satisfaction is our best retention tool.
It has been the goal of the NAR Board to do everything in our power to deliver the services that our membership tells us in our biennial online surveys and constant in-person communication to Board members that they want from their NAR. Member satisfaction is our top priority. The larger we become the more services we can afford to deliver. Let's keep growing so we can keep improving our services!
Be safe, have fun, and pay forward.
Trip Barber
NAR 4322
NAR President
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