From YORF, Here's a Leviathan by Kimble29
Estes Leviathan built and FINALLY painted
"Took forever to paint this thing. Lots of different reasons but I finally got it done. I went with a WWII fighter plane theme for this rocket inspired by one of my kids toy planes. I just kinda winged and figured things out as I went along. I did the girlie "nose art" last and it's pretty small... just over 3 inches tall. No decals on this rocket, everything is paint. The rivets actually came out a lot better than I thought they would and I heeded the advice I got in regards to painting them in a previous thread and used a micro brush to apply them. All in all I'm pretty happy with the outcome and I definitely learned a few things along the way. Enjoy the photos!"

This is a great example of patience and a steady hand.
To see more pictures CLICK HERE

Kimble29 did some great WWII Bomber Nose Art and a tribute to his wife Melissa.
Inspiring work -
Once in a while somebody gets it right!
Here's another example of some great hand painting:
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