I vowed NOT to buy any more kits until I make a real dent in the build pile. That could take a few years!
This one did catch my attention. A Vashon Valkyrie.
This was the equivalent of the Valkyrie 2, the longer of the original two models offered.
While the listing said it was partially built, the nozzle was simply pressed in place. The fin rails weren't cut, it was still in one piece. The balsa fin root edge slid into a slot in the rails.The nose cone had a nub on the tip, just how it looked coming off the lathe.
The kit was complete, as far a I could see, except for the RP-100 Freon propellant can. The Mylar parachute is there in the lower left. While you could launch a Vashon rocket by simply pulling a plug, the optional wiring (set in the nozzle) allowed for electronic nichome "ignition".
In the upper right is a diamond box with A8-5 printed on the end cap. Beside that is the lower section of a partially assembled Thor Agena B.

My highest bid was $75.00. The final winning bid was $82.02.
Oh well, another will show up one day. This model would have made some great blog entries.
My sympathies. Better luck next time, bro.