The back end of the mount, right above the nozzle is a tapered angle ring. The lower centering ring was sanded at a 45 degree angle. This taper will extend off the back of the fin can tubing.
Before I glued it all together the exposed seam end was filled with CWF and sanded. The taper area then got a wipe of CA glue and was sanded smooth.
All the exposed areas got a shot of filler/primer and smooth sanding.
The picture shows a dry fit with an engine casing installed to figure out the positioning of the centering rings.
At the top is an engine block. In the end it was glued even with the top of the BT-20 tube.
Here's how the centering rings were glued on.
The rear tapered ring ended up about 1/2" from the end of the engine tube. The upper ring was glued just forward of the tube center.
The forward ring was glued farther down than normal. Keep in mind the 50 sized coupler will be glued inside the BT-50 outside tube.
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