Friday, August 14, 2020

New Design Concepts For Estes

Aldo Spadoni wrote on Facebook:

I’m very pleased to announce that I’m designing model rocket kit concepts for Estes Industries!Estes subcontracted my company, Aerospace Imagineering, to brainstorm new ideas that go beyond the conventional “body tube, nose cone, and fins” rocket designs.I’m working directly with Estes Vice President & General Manager Bill Stine. I recently delivered my first concept proposal and Bill’s reaction was “I hope all your submissions are this good!” Nothing like a happy customer!Stay tuned for more info . . .

I know that name from somewhere -
Aldo Spadoni did the art for the Saturn V poster Estes would send you from the most recent #1969 kit. These jets on his Linked In page look very interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to Aldo’s designs! If I recall correctly, even though the Space Corps Centurion looks like one of his designs, it was an older idea they decided to use for the S.C. line. I wonder how his efforts will mesh with John Boren’s? So much interesting stuff happening at Estes with the Langfords and Bill Stine running the company.
