I'm just finishing up the Apogee Dyna Star LexxJet kit.
It's really an impressive design.
The parachute on this rocket is HUGE, 32" across.
I attached it 1/3 the way down the shock cord to prevent tangling.
It'll tie to a snap swivel just in case a smaller parachute is needed.
The only snap swivels I have on hand are small. Much has been written about small swivels opening up and failing . With a rocket and parachute this big, I decided to reinforce the swivel with a double loop of Kevlar.
The Kevlar loop goes through the shock cord loop and back through the shroud line loops.
If the parachute needed to be switched out, I'd have to cut the Kevlar. Not a bad compromise knowing the swivel won't fail.
VERY good idea, especially if you move chutes around between rockets a lot. Thanks for sharing!