Friday, November 5, 2010

What's the Argument?

Two days ago on YORF, a builder had questions about how to fill the inside exposed tube spirals on tube finned rockets.
Many great builders responded with suggestions. I put in my two cents.

This response came in:
"You guys have GOT to be kidding here and this MUST be some sort of JOKE.
Filling EXTERIOR spirals is a big-time waste of time on a typical sport model, but INTERIOR spirals on tube fins ?
C'mon now ! BE REAL !
I would not assign that task as a PRISON PUNISHMENT as it is far too cruel, not to mention USELESS. "

My response:
"No, we're not kidding! Internal construction can be as clean and well executed as external constuction.
I can only speak for those who enjoy building side as much as flying.
I applaud anyone who takes pride in their work and wants to improve.
I wouldn't recommend that you stop by my "how-to build" website or blog, you might blow a gasket!"

The simple answer - If you don't want to take the time, then don't!

There are a few forum "bullies" that seem to get satisfaction by knocking any suggested methods - if these methods aren't their own.

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