Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dr. Zooch Saturn V Build Part 9 Gluing On The Fins

NOTE: Be careful about changing the fin surface area. These models are very stable as built by the directions. They require the template size fin area and installed nose weight to fly.
The model sill probably fly fine with the fin root edge adjustment adjustment shown below, but I won't take any responsibility for adjustments made and resulting stability issues. This is just how this build turned out. You may not have to make this adjustment.
This model (built on the blog) will be a "shelf queen", I'll still fly my older Zooch Saturn V.

Here's the back end of my finished Estes Saturn V.

Look at the trailing edge of the fin. It would be parallel to the floor when the model is standing up.

This is a dry fit of the Zooch Saturn V fin against the fairing.

On my model, the trailing edge hangs down at an angle.

I had to sand the top of the root edge, the lower end of the leading edge stayed about the same.

The picture shows two fins lined up and stacked.
The lower fin is the original size, the fin on top shows how much of the leading edge was sanded off.
This is the adjusted fin glued in place.

The trailing edge is now square - perpendicular to the body and parallel to the
floor base line.

Note there is a little of the "cut out" area exposed at the edges of the fin.
I tried to get this as close as I could, but it still shows a bit.


  1. I don't know if you remember from my TRF build thread of this model, but my fins did the same thing. Embarrassingly enough I failed to notice it until I'd posted pictures.

    Luke Strawwalker pointed out the swept back fins after he saw the pics. I had to break them off, remove some fin material like you did, and glue them back on.

    Dr. Zooch posted a warning about removing too much of the fin would result in an unstable rocket, but it's flown perfect every time.

  2. Hi Mushtang,
    I just went back and read through your Saturn V build thread on TRF. It's interesting you and I had many of the same concerns and small obstacles on the build. You did great work on it. I'm glad it flew well with the fin area slightly trimmed.
