Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dr. Zooch Saturn V Build Step 10C Gluing on the Engine Bells

A great thing about the Dr. Zooch Saturn V, the F-1 engines stay on for flight!
I wanted to be sure they were well attached.

Earlier I neglected to paint the inside of the engine bells.
I used a Q-tip as a "brush" with some bottled silver paint.

Use one Q-tip per engine bell. Paint one bell and grab a new Q-tip.
The paint dries quickly and you might end up with some cotton fibers inside the bell.

To make sure the F-1 bells stay on, I decided to use some 15 minute epoxy to glue them on.

A drop of glue was set on the small end of the bell and the spoof.
The drop was large enough to make a epoxy fillet when it was pressed into place.

The epoxy dries a light yellow color, but the glue is in a recessed area and won't easily be seen.

Look at the small end of the nozzle bell and spoof.

You can see the bead of epoxy around the base contact points.

Check to be sure the bell is centered down the fin and fairings.

Some of the epoxy has come up through the center hole of the bell shroud making a stronger joint.

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