Sunday, June 24, 2018

Apogee Mini Condor Boost Glider Build, Part 4, Marking The Underside

The wings and tail pieces are pretty plain. The wings are chunky rectangles, the tail pieces are also squared off. I decided to round things off hoping for a lighter model with less drag.

The pieces are shown here trimmed. Underneath the balsa is a tracing showing how much wood was removed.
The span of the pieces is still the same, things have just been tapered and rounded off.

I wanted to color the bottom surfaces so the flight duration tracker can see it easily in the sky. Some builders use markers to darken the wing bottoms without adding any real weight to the glider.

I did a card stock drawing of a color template. Colors will be red and black for a good contrast against the sky.

While holding the template steady a sharp marker was traced around the sides.
I went back and filled in the outlines. A ruler was used and many straight lines drawn to fill it in. I wanted the color as even as I could get it using markers.

Here's how it turned out with the wing halves butted together. The root edges are not glued together.