Sunday, June 3, 2018

Estes Dragon Ship 7 #1345, Part 2, Engine Mount

Lots of parts! This is just the engine mount -

Standard 2 3/4" engine hook, engine block,
6 3/4" long BT-20D engine tube
Two 20/60 centering rings
Short BT-20AE spacer tube 1 1/2" long
Nine (count 'em nine) BT-3XW motor tubes at 1 1/2" long.
The spacer tube enlarges the outside diameter of the engine tube so the nine BT-3 motor tubes will be better spaced around it.
It is a split BT-20 tube. Here it is being cut using an aluminum angle for support and a straight line.

It wraps around the end of the 6 3/4" long motor tube. The split cut centers around the engine hook.

I traced around the split tube to give a glue area outline.

Glue was applied inside the pencil line and smoothed out with a finger.

The split tube is wrapped with the tube ends even.
A rubber band was wrapped to apply pressure while it dried.

The tube was notched for an engine hook right above the spacer tube split.

A small notch was cut into the lower centering ring for the engine hook allowance.

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