The instructions are vague about how high to mask for the red paint:
"Apply masking tape and protective cover around main rocket body above fins."
The rear of the lug standoff was glued 2 3/4" from the end of the tube.
That doesn't leave any room for the white strip and the black band decal decal above it.
Here's the mask for the red right after the first light coat was applied.
Above the Scotch tape mask line is my "protective cover" or a piece of a plastic grocery bag.
After removing the Scotch tape, the mask line is clean and sharp.
No expensive Tamiya tape, just clear Scotch tape.
Notice the area between the end of the lug standoff and leading edge of the fin.
If I could have done it differently the lug would have been moved up about 1/4". That would allow enough room for the white strip and black band decal.
Before laying down the tape mask I looked at the face card illustration for spacing. With the lug placed as directed there isn't room for the black stripe decal!
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