Some decals were missing, one "Rocket Blast"decal was facing the wrong way
It was short!
The decal was placed a little behind the end of the body tube making it look like a strut between the blue windows.
These flap decals go against the trailing edge of the wings.
Double check how these sit on the wing before soaking.
I cut them short removing the clear area so I wouldn't have to trim it off later.
Notice the crease in the third square at the top. That would lead to problems coming up.
I'll try to fill in that broken area. Half of the bottom trapezoid from the intake decal was cut off for a fill piece.
TIP: As more decals were applied there were other small tears.
If you build this kit, you might want to add a coat of MicroScale Liquid Decal Film to the decal sheet.
Here's the backward "Rocket Blast" decal.
The one on the other side faces to the rear as it should.
I wanted to keep the arrow directional point.
The incorrect decal was cut and pieced together.
It's not perfect but better than omitting it all together.
I have had luck with crappy decals in the past by giving them 2-3 coats of Testors Clear Coat spray before cutting and applying.