Sunday, October 5, 2014

Cooler Rocketry Weather?

Boy, I look forward to the cooler weather!
October 15 to be specific.

For years I entertained at Sea World, outdoors in the Florida heat and humidity. I knew it would eventually cool off so I waited for that first day when you felt the humidity drop. It was always right around October 15.

What does this have to do with rocketry?
This Summer has been a hard one for getting finishes right. I hope when things cool off, spray painting will be more predictable.

It seems after every club launch, it takes a day to recover!
The heat and sun exposure really sap your strength.
A full day at a club launch and spray painting is so much better from November through March!


  1. Fall has arrived in Central Florida-we can spray away!

  2. The heat, humidity and spray paint behavior seemed especially bad this summer. I am looking forward to fall as well to finally finish some rocket projects.
