Sunday, March 27, 2011

LAUNCH! Schoolyard, March 25, 2011

No wind - yet!
This was not my best day for stability!

First up was the Downscale MMX CLOUD HOPPER. For the first time out of a dozen or so launches, it veered to the south and landed 100 feet away. I've got no explanation for this, it's always been stable before!

Here's a new downscale of the BIG BERTHA sporting the 1969 catalog paint scheme. Flight was good with a 1/2A3-4t engine. There was a slight coning or spiral during boost. Be sure to add the recommended nose weight if you download a print and build this one.

My Eric Truax PATRIOT wasn't stable with an old MPC 1/2A3-5t engine. It went straight up for 100 feet, then tail slid before ejection! I'm not blaming the design, it flew great before. Maybe I had a bad engine. Heck, this MPC Minijet was only 35 years old.

My downscaled A-20 DEMON was the best flight of the day. I must have got 425 feet on a A3-4t engine. On landing I had a popped fin and a "smiley" dent in the nose cone. The dent I can't explain, the shock cord is plenty long.

The FlisKits HONEST JOHN never fails, except when you forget to add flameproof wadding! The streamer was a melted blob, but recovered without any damage.

Also flown:
The Odd'l Rockets BIRDIE with an A10-3t. I hadn't flown my Birdie in quite a while. Stable, true and indestructible.

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