A while back, I received an email from Chris Timm.
He asked if I was the guy who submitted articles for the old Rocketrek magazine.
Chris had some back issues and asked if I'd be interested in them.
I hadn't seen these for over 30 years. I didn't remember writing that many articles. My submitted copy was similar to what you see here, building tips and build reviews.
B. J. (Jim) Humphreys was the publisher and lived in Corona California. Jim had great hopes for his 16 page magazine. He wanted it to be picked up as the official publication of the N.A.R. replacing what they had at the time. That never happened.
Jim Humphreys great claim-to-fame was his rocket powered wheelchair.
While Jim was the Associate Editor, the magazine staff also included Doug Malewicki. Doug did development of the Cox model rockets and worked with Evel Knievel on his Snake River Canyon jump.
Another colorful member of the magazine staff was Bob Bruce, listed as the "Artist". Bob had his own small rocket company called California Model Rockets. His designs were BIG, made from paper, dowels and Styrofoam rings - all under one pound.
Thanks to Mr. Timm for all the great memories.
Some of my copy from the magazine might make it to this blog.
I've never even heard of that magazine. I'd love to see some old articles posted.