I arrived just before 11:00 a.m. No winds - yet! Hot and humid.
First up for me was the Dr. Zooch SLS.
An Estes C6-5 got it to about 500'. It landed too close to the chemical and water canal.
Next to the SLS is Claudia Moon's 3" School Rocket from BMS.
My Odd'l Rockets LITTLE GREEN MAN launched to about 300' with a older German made Quest B6-4.
Textbook flight and recovery with an close pick-up.
Here's one of the more clever models flown today.
Check out the extra detailing on Chris Morris' New Way Sky High.

My best flight of the day went to the upscaled Estes TEROS flown with an E9-4.
Arrow straight to estimated 650'. Even under a spill holed chute it drifted far to the West.
I was loading my next rocket and made the comment: "Somebody's rocket is being dragged downfield by the parachute. Hey . . . that's my rocket!"
I had forgot to pick it up.
My Estes Altimeter was loaded in the MPC RED GIANT. The only recommended engine is a Estes or Quest C6-5. I've flown it successfully with a B6-2. The kit packaging claims: "Flys up to 230 feet!"
I knew it would go higher with an Estes C6-5. After the flight the altimeter read 427 feet!
MPC was only off by a couple hundred or so. This altitude prediction fell right in line with poor fitting parts and instruction errors. Maybe that's why vendors are blowing them out at $5.00 each.
I had planned to launch five models but only four went up. The tower on my Dr. Zooch Mercury Little Joe was loose so that'll wait for another day.
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