Monday, October 29, 2018

Semroc Snake Jumper, Finished

I was never a big fan of the Centuri Sky Cycle and the whole Evel Knievel Snake River jump. But, I liked the idea of a larger and "Goonied" Sky Cycle kit.
When Semroc discontinued this Groonie kit , you could get the decals, fins and instructions cheap. I already had most of the parts from my Odd'l Pigasus and Little Green Man kits.

The Estes Goonys and this Centuri kit were launched with 13mm A mini engines. The Semroc Groonies used 18mm engines. You have more choices with A, B or C engines.

TRIVIA: Centuri introduced fiber fins in the "Bunches Of New Kits" page in the 1974-75 catalog.
The Hummingbird, Moonraker, Jayhawk, Nomad, Excalibur 2 and Arrow 300 kits had them - CLICK HERE

Here's those blue wheels with the 1/8" launch lug in the middle. Black would have been better, the blue looks cartoony.


  1. Nice build. Kind of a corny rocket, but cool in its own unique way. I've been toying around with the thought of a scratch build of the Centuri Hummingbird, since I have a propensity toward gliders. I may use balsa instead of card stock, though.

  2. Hi Ed,
    I agree, the Snake Jumper is corny but tolerable when in a Goony style.
    I had a Centuri Hummingbird, one of the kits made out of card stock. As I remember it looped during boost and was going up again at ejection. It was about 30 feet up when the engine ejected. There was a fast glide and touched down. The flight duration was (maybe) 8 seconds!
