Considering the heat and a good possibility of rain, there was a great turnout.
All launch rods were angled 5 degrees away from the flight line.
Manuel Mejia set up his Odd'l Rockets SQUATTY BODY next to my new CHEROKEE GOON.
Manuel flew the Squatty with a A8-3. It got great altitude even for an "A".
The Cherokee Goon wiggled a bit during boost, it'll need a bit more clay in the nose. Still, great altitude with a Quest B6-4 with a long walk to pick it up.
Carl from DFR Technologies launched a new kit prototype - the Atlas V New Horizons, AV551.
The real Atlas V launched a probe to Pluto.
Carl had a great flight with an Estes D12-5.
Check out the booster nose cones!
Many of Carl's kits now include 3D printed parts.
Nozzles, tunnels and these curved nose cones are all made on the plastic printer.
My FlisKits MMX SATURN V had a second flight on a Quest MicroMaxx engine.
When you view a launch from a distance you can see how high some models don't get!
Brian said 30 feet, I gave it 32.
Still, stable and fun.
At ejection the descent under streamer was very slow. No damage.
Manuel Mejia flew his Saturn SPEV with a C6-3.
A true scratch builder, Manuel gets great flights with models made from hand rolled tubes.
The nose cones on this one were bottle corks!
He bought a bag of assorted cork "nose cones" for $5.00 at a craft store.

I only flew three today, I arrived late and the heat was getting to us all.
Last up for me was the Quest TOMAHAWK with an Estes B6-4.
Low and slow and recovery under the crispy 14" Quest parachute. No damage.
Launch inset picture by Roger Smith
Roger Smith has posted great pictures - HERE
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