Anytime I smooth a caulking bead I know I probably do it better than the average Joe. I've learned technique from forming too many fin fillets in the past.
I've got a new show project in the works. How did rocketry help pull it off?
"Carl, I need some special laser cut pieces.
Five pieces of light ply. I'll glue them together."
The pieces were quickly mailed.
I used yellow carpenters glue and clamps.
The edges were sanded and evened up, just like you'd do with rocket fins.
I was surprised that the first attempt at this laser burn was correct. Usually on a strange "one-shot" piece you might have to get a few cuts made before you get it close.
This piece is fairly smooth, I gave it a shot of grey filler/primer and sanded, just like a rocket build.
Here's just a hint of what it will be, how it looked before gluing together and sanding.
More upcoming . . .
Out of the "pan" and into the fire :^)