Sunday, October 23, 2016

Blog Ground Rules

It seems I have to set some ground rules every year or so -
This is not directed at everybody reading the blog -
Just a few who are treating it like a forum.

I used to post more often on rocketry forums. I got tired of people telling me I was doing things wrong. "That's not the way I do it" was one of the reasons this blog was started.

If the builds and tips shown here have helped out - great!
This is simply how I do it. My methods are not the only way to get a rocket built. If you disagree with my techniques, don't post a comment to tell me I'm doing it wrong.
This is what works for me. If you don't agree, you can start your own blog.

I do welcome comments - but -
If you make a comment, don't advertise or post links to another rocketry vendor.
The blog is not here to advertise products for another vendor. I'll occasionally let you know about a sale or clearance.
If you post a website address link it might be deleted. I can't promote your rockets, cosmetics or home siding. (This has happened!)

The blog is free! If you have learned something or were helped in a build,
Please consider joining Patreon. You'll then have access to all the plans, decals and downscale PDF models. RANT OVER!


  1. I must apologize; I didn't know these rules when I posted suggestions as to how I do things (where they differ from your ways). I'm sure I've offended you several times, and I am sorry.

    1. Hi Chris,
      You are certainly not the problem! Suggestions are great and have sometimes changed the way I do things. There are a few who really get adamant about how they build and fly rockets. That and other vendor plugs.

  2. I know a huge offender of this on TRF, and we have talked about him on more than one occasion. I don't know if he reads the blog, so he will remain nameless here.

  3. Have no issue with your ground rules at all. Being a BAR, I've seen and learned many new techniques, most of which contributed greatly to my builds. The few that didn't (or I wasn't comfortable trying yet) doesn't mean they're bad. I appreciate the knowledge you put forth, and you've been kind enough to answer personal emails. Continue to put forth what works for you-I'm never too old to lean something new...

  4. I've learned an immense amount from this blog. It's one of my several-times-a-day stops.

    I stayed away from TRF for a while because of the same thing. It seems like there are "experts" everywhere. My favorite is when I'm told I've designed something wrong, when what I'm clearly building is a kit. "Hey, buddy," I think, "if you don't like it, take it up with Estes."

  5. There are blogs on various topics where I won't read the comments any more - what used to be fun, spirited, interesting discussions have degenerated into toxic, childish, insulting nonsense. I rank Mr. Michielsson's blog as one of the "good spots" on the web - stuff dicussed here makes you think! The positive attitudes and focus on the reason the blog exists in the first place makes this a great resource.

  6. I'll add my voice to the list of those who greatly enjoy this blog. Even though I've built hundreds of rockets in my lifetime, I have found a great number of your techniques to be very useful. I often find myself thinking - "Man, I wish I had known that technique before...." Keep up the good work!
