Look at the angle on the flag!
That gives you an idea of how much the wind was blowing on Saturday, February 5, 2011 in Oviedo, Florida.
Time for smaller engines and streamer recoveries.
The Odd'l Rockets CYCLONE flew with an Estes 1/2A3-2t engine. It was fast off the pad with a good, long duration of the upper half monocopter.
That's me in the distance, I was downrange for an easier recovery.
My Odd'l Rockets UP! CUP flew twice with Estes C6-3 engines.
Check out the strange smoke right after ignition.
Roger Smith (jonrocket.com) captured all the launch pictures at 60 frames per second.
The cup amplified the engine noise on both launches.
That's Tom Dennon with his beautiful Space Shuttle.
The Shuttle itself is a carded glider, upscaled from online plans. It didn't fly today, the winds were too high.
Tom's mother joined us at the launch. She knows rockets!

Here's something you don't see very often, a MicroMaxx right after ignition.
My Micro RED MAX was off the pad quick, but Roger again caught the action.
Enlarge the picture and you can see the igniter blown out and still glowing red hot!
Look in the lower wrap of black tape on the rod adapter.
Carl Campbell (Delta-IV-Rockets.com) had beautiful boosts on two Delta rockets.
He wasn't so lucky with recoveries.
His prototype Delta IV Medium (18mm) draped over a powerline on recovery.
Then, this Delta II got hung up in a tree!
All Carl's Delta models are beautifully designed.
Also Flown:
FRANKEN GOBLIN on an Estes B6-4.
Downscale Carded ORBITAL TRANSPORT with an Estes A10-3t.
Boost was great, but without any pre-flight glider testing, the orbiter flip-flopped in after ejection.
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