If there is any warping of the fins, iron over them with a dry (no steam) iron. This should take out any turns.
Cut out the fins on the thin line from the "smaller" side.
I try to design my card stock models so one side of the fin print is larger than the other. This insures full print coverage and eliminates any chance of misalignment of the backside of the fin.

After cutting, the edges will be almost "too square".
Round off the outside edges of the fin using your burnisher.
Rub over the sides to knock down the square edges.

This picture clearly shows the rounded leading edge and the three ply outside edge.

You can get a better rounded fin by applying a bead of white glue to the edges.
Apply glue and let dry.
Lightly sand over the glue with 400 grit.
Reapply glue again and let dry.
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