That Semroc Booster 16 has been sitting on the shelf for two years. I finally got some 13mm A10-0t engines for it.

Roger Smith caught this picture right after the upper stage ignition.
(Roger gets all the good shots!)
The Centurion is just starting to arc over into the wind. We had wind gusts over 20 m.p.h. on Saturday.
This is a very stable model, I can only guess a wind gust hit it right at the ignition of the B6-4.
It went horizontal and into the branches of a tree, probably 25 feet up.

Tom Dennon got down the Centurion using his L.C.P.V.C.R.G. (Long, Collapsible PVC Rocket Grabber)

There's even one hole punched right through the side of a fin.
Another rebuild and refinish? Let me think about that one.
I use an aluminum telescoping pole for "remote rocket recovery". I made mine from a broken golf ball rake I bought at SkyCraft in Orlando.