After all the shaping, the exposed edges of the skirt support ring are a little fuzzy.
I applied some medium CA with a Q-tip to harden up just the outside edges that will be seen, not over any areas that will get glued later.
These were both sanded smooth with 400 grit sandpaper.

I would have thought after all the shaping that the centering ring wrap seam would be gone.
The seam was filled with thinned CWF.
The ring on the left show the applied CWF.
The ring on the right is after sanding it to surface.

Most all the tube is covered by the wrap, except for the nose cone and SRB skirts.
I temporarally slid the nose cones into the rear of the tube to spray them white and to keep paint out of the inside of the tube.
The lowest exposed end of the tube, the smooth support ring and skirt were all dry fitted and sprayed gloss white.
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