I'd just got off the plane from Anchorage and headed over to the August Orlando R.O.C.K. launch.
Brian said there was 34 registered flyers today. The group has gotten large enough for a third set of four pads - the new C rack!
It rained here and there, most rockets landed close down the line up of cars. Tom lost his large crayon on a G composite.
A Spot Landing contest was scheduled using A8-3 engines and parachute recovery.
Here Jim preps his Big Bertha. Next to it is my DUH! PHANTOM.
Both of us only reached about 100' with the required A8-3 engines. More Power!

The Centuri VULCAN clone flew well with a B6-4 engine to about 325'.
The Mylar balloon parachute will need replacement, too many ejection burns.

His Angry Bird was prepped with a C engine. My PIGASUS drag raced with a B6-4.
My also flowns:
The original Odd'l Rockets UP! CUP prototype with a C6-3
The original Odd'l Rockets BREAK-AWAY prototype with a B6-4
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