Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ultra Cheap Drying Stand TIP

I didn't have anywhere to stand the V2 after spraying on the first white coat.

I had the dowel (painting wand) in an engine casing locked in the engine mount.
The low end of the dowel was sharpened from an earlier build.

The pointed end of the dowel was simply punched into a cardboard box!

Granted, this is a heavy model. The chances of it falling to one side is greater than with a smaller rocket. If the box is made of sturdy cardboard (not the recycled cardboard from Japan or China) it should hold the rocket vertically as it dries.


  1. Whenever we buy a new appliance, I grab the biggest piece of styrofoam in the box and stash it in the garage. When a need like this arises, break or cut off an appropriately sized bit and *stab*

  2. Hi Phillip,
    Great idea! Styrofoam is a lot stiffer than the cardboard and would support the model better.
