Thursday, December 4, 2014

Public Missiles Shock Cord Knot

From the Public Missiles Tiny Pterodactyl instructions:

Here's another knot to think about.
I still prefer the Duncan UniKnot for tying the shock cord to the nose cone eyelet or screw eye.
With the Duncan Knot, the tail ends of the shock cord end up facing down, side by side. The loose tail doesn't stick out.
This cinch style knot (shown above) has the loose end of the cord facing out and might get caught up between the nose cone shoulder and body tube.


  1. Also, the Duncan Knot is very fault tolerant in this sense: if the tag end starts to untie itself, it is captured by the next wrap. The Complete Book of Baits, Rigs & Tackle by Vic Dunaway popularized the uni-knot system and Vic points out that the tag end of the knot can be safely trimmed close to the knot. This is because it won't unravel if the tag end slips out one turn. Other knots, like the cinch knot, require a long tag end to prevent the knot from completely unraveling if the tag slips out.

    I have been using Vic's uni-knot system for fishing line for decades, and I find it is a great knot for many other purposes. Also worth noting, while thin fishing line works best with 5-7 wraps, the uni-knot only requires 3 or 4 wraps for thicker cords, which makes for a cleaner uni-knot.

    1. Hi Eero,
      Thanks for the additional information on the Duncan UniKnot.
      Interesting points about the tag end not unraveling. I like the knot because both ends (long and "tag" ends) come out facing down and away from any possible binding at the nose cone shoulder.
      Like you mentioned, I've found three or four wraps works best with the elastic shock cord material.
      When cinched towards the screw eye, the knots wraps end up looking very clean.
