Painting the back end of the 1340 will be a bit tricky.
Here's a dry fit of the fin can. In the end, the fin can will be white.
The inside diameter of the fin can is slightly wider at it's back end.
It'll slide down from the top of the body tube, but not easily from the bottom up.
If I were to pre-paint the body tube, sliding the fin can over the tube from the top would scratch the paint.
The bottom tube will be covered with Silver (or aluminum) Trim Monokote.
Also, the last half inch below the fin can will be silver.
It looks as if the fin can will be locked in place surrounded by the trim Monokote.

On the upper end - going up:
The .10" exposed coupler will be painted white.
Immediately above that is a 1/4" black band.
The lower half of the upper tube is gold trim Monokote, then another 1/4" black band.
The upper half of the upper tube and nose cone will be white.
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