Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cancun Update 6 - Warning! No rocketry content here -

Just like the pyramids in Chitzen Itza, Mexico seems to crumble around me!
I tried to adjust the light in my bathroom here at the condo. It fell off the ceiling! Whoever installed it didn't use any drywall anchors. I'm not repairing it, I've already done my share of repairs.

Last night I had a heckler. I hit back with a few lines but he was too drunk to get it. He kept up so I hit him with the final word . . .
"They say that everybody has one.
I've been entertaining for thirty years and have come to the conclusion that - Every audience has one.
Congrats Sir . . .  tonight, you're it!"
The rest of the audience got the gist of the put-downs so that's all that mattered.

Only one more week to go! Disney World called with a fill in date in October. Then off to Hong Kong on October 23. Things are looking up.
I visit the real Chitzen Itza this Friday. It's been on my list for years.


  1. I had a great time in Mexico when I visited "Chicken Pizza!" :-)

  2. They also call it Chicken Eats ya' and Chicken Gizzard.
    Only five more days to go and I'm home! I'm getting itchy to actually build something.

  3. I was at Chitzen Itza, Mexico in 2000 and they said because of too many tourist this was the last year they were letting people walk up and into the ziggurats.

    Was that true? Were you able to walk up and go down into the temples?

    Do you just love those 4-6" slippery steps? My wife (Newlyweds - yup honeymoon in Cancun) was holding on to that chain for dear life - everyone was after the brave first few steps...

    1. Hi Scott,
      They no longer allow people to climb up the pyramids.
      There are other pyramids outside the Chitzen Itza area that you can climb though.
