This tool is so simple it almost seems ridiculous to post it.
Over the past few months I've been burning through a surplus of Micro Maxx engines. Some MMX rockets have minimum diameter tubing, too small to get my fingers in when trying to pack the Kevlar shock cords. I've used pencils before, trying to get the floppy Kevlar line back into the tube.
That little notch at the top of the pictured dowel makes all the difference. It gives you just enough grip to position the Kevlar over the top.
1. Loosely roll the Kevlar over a finger.
2. Remove the loops, holding them together in a coil.
3. Lay the loops over the top of the body tube.
4. Set the notched dowel over the Kevlar. The notch keeps the loops in position.
5. Press the loops into the body tube. Press in until the nose cone is drawn up to the top of the tube.
Not ridiculous, this is a good tip. Getting cords back into MMX tubes without something is what's ridiculously difficult. I use a soldering tool that has a notched tip one one end. In fact I use it on larger tubes too, up to ~BT-20. Works great!