There may be a few here you haven't seen:
On The Rocketry Forum, Bradycros was looking for kit instructions on the Estes Website.

Here's a short version of his post:
". . . I clicked on nearly every box on the home page and got; nothing.
Customer Service? Why not try it? Tried everything else.
This what I found in the left hand column: Instructions
WTF. Who'd a thunk it?
I was thunking OOP instructions would be more of a archivel type thing and not a 'customer service' type thing.
Here's the final address that Todd found:
Another source of Estes instructions from the Official Forum of Tripoli Rocketry of Louisiana & South Louisiana Rocketry (SoLaR)
Getting to the Shasta instructions archive requires too much searching.
These are the final destinations you are looking for:
Another favorite resource:
And don't forget Jim Z's:
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