Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dr. Zooch Vanguard Eagle Build Part 28 SRB Seam

The SRBs were lightly pressed down so the edges made contact with the body tube.

A drop of CYA on a toothpick tip was drawn down the seam maybe an inch at a time closing up any gaps.

I dipped the tip of my hobby knife in thinned CWF (Carpenter's Wood Filler) and dragged it down the seam filling in the edge.

In the picture, the upper SRB is dry and ready for sanding with 400 grit sandpaper. The lower SRB has been sanded.

After the filler was sanded, a light fillet of white glue was run down the seam.
This "locks" the filler in the seam.

Be careful and quick when smoothing out the glue. The CWF is water based and the white glue can break it down and make a mess if you're not careful.

I repeated applying another round of filler, sanding and white glue.
After that last white glue fillet had dried, one more final glue followed.

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